Henle First Year Latin – Text and Grammar Seton Henle Grammar Key The Lost Tools of Writing, Level 1 (set includes Teacher Guide, Student Workbook and DVD or download) Words Aptly Spoken: Children’s Literature, 2nd Edition *The Lion, the Witch and the...
While Classical Conversations certainly has a Christian worldview, it assumes that you will be adding in your own religious memorization. Here’s what we do: Both girls do Awana for Scripture memorization I add in other key verses for character building (from the...
I am so excited to see this list of what Anya is going to learn this year (and curious to see how much Willow will pick up by osmosis!): 160 events and people in a chronological timeline 24 history sentences to “put some flesh” on our timeline (including...
I got all of my Veritas Timeline cards and the Classical Conversations Acts & Facts cards laminated. It was kind of fun, now I need to find more things to laminate. I have the Scotch laminator from Walmart, and the 8.5 x 11 laminating sheets. I laminated two at a...
Very exciting and feeling all official! Tonight was the first tutor meeting for the Foundations group. The Foundations Director and the Apprentice tutor are wonderfully organized and prepared, and I’m feeling more confident with this venture. We are going to...
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